
Saturday dinner adventures

Other than the lettuce, every veggie was local. Crockpot chicken tacos, rice, beans, lizano, margaritas. We also took advantage of fresh tomato and basil for a homemade bruschetta.. I just hope I have the right pictures attached.


Dinner at home

Summer vegetable gratin.. Details to follow


roasted tomato, squash, zucchini, and caramelized onion. rosemary foccacia and grated parmasean on top.

you couldn't see it, but we did a cucumber salad. Rice wine vinegar, a dab of olive oil, carrot strips, sesame seeds, a little sugar.. and some sea salt.

...as well as a salad with dried cranberries, vinegar/olive oil dressing, chopped almonds and walnuts.


Moms home cooking

Feast your eyes here

Cucumber and Tomato marinated salad, sauteed squash, new potatos, corn on the cob, marinated and grill-panned chicken thighs, with watermelon and canteloupe to finish everything off.

Hungry yet?


I knew that felt familiar...

We went to watch "The Hangover" this past weekend, and I have to admit that I really enjoyed it. Kristen and I don't get out to see a movie in the theater often enough... we normally rely on netflix to take care of our movie needs. Ever since there was a shooting at the blockbuster, I haven't exactly felt compelled to spend any amount of time there. Yeah yeah, it was a while back.. and could happen anywhere, but I don't see the point of going to a physical location for a movie if they will ship it to me.

... and back on track.

So the movie tracks three guys in vegas making an attempt to track down a their fourth pal. You see, he's getting married in 48 hours and somehow they have lost him during a night of drunken debauchery in Vegas. While you never see exactly 100% what happened in their room that night, you get a few ideas.

Just the same, the movie felt familiar. It was, for lack of a better comparison, a combination of these two films:

Take the worst (or best, however you view it) drug binge in history and add in a wholesome buddy comedy and you'll wind up with"The Hangover."

I think I still prefer Hunter Thompson's tale over the hangover, but I tend to have a penchant for awkward humor.


...since when is Asheboro getting a Waffle House?

I was shocked to death to not only see one almost completely built, but to see one that far from 220. I guess they're hoping to capitalize on the fact that traffic is stupid-busy on Dixie drive and will stay that way until the 64 bypass comes to pass.

The bagel shop is great, so is updating at a computer.

First things first, the bagel shop is great. I dropped by Saturday morning to pick up a handful of bagels and some cream cheese for our breakfast. Kristen manned the coffee pot at the house while I ventured out to pick up the wares from the bagel shop. It looks to be a rather simple setup. A huge pot to boil and a nice oven to bake. I fell in love with their hardware too.. it isn't often that you see Viking/Sub-Zero in their natural habitat.

I'm an everything bagel fan, and they do it right. Until Saturday morning, I had never tried a chocolate chip bagel, but they're rather tasty. More of a dessert bagel-type-thing for me. The Asheboro bagel shop does their fruit (cranberry/blueberry/cinnamon raisin) bagels a little differently. Instead of mixing the fruit in with the batter, it's formed more like a pocket. It works out quite well, though, and I think I prefer this preparation to that of the standard setup.

It would appear that my blog is turning into nothing except a showcase of what we eat. I have no problems, outright, with that... but I like to sit down at a computer every now and then to update as well. While blogging via blackberry is a lot of fun, it isn't quite the same as sitting at a full sized keyboard to pour out some thoughts.

I was a bit surprised to find an already-built Waffle House at the intersection of Dixie Drive and Cox Street... where the laundromat stood for years.

It was a productive weekend... in the sense that we were able to recharge our collective batteries. It was the first weekend that we had been home, together, in more than a month. Either Kristen was busy, I was busy, or we both were out.

We ate too much, didn't get involved with too much, and had a blast. The turkey burgers I posted yesterday were OUTSTANDING. If you want to give it a shot, toss a slice of

It's nice to sit back and focus on the fine art of enjoying the weekend.


Turkey burgers

99% fat free ground turkey with a, and I didn't think it would work, pack of ranch dip in the meat.

Good stuff for dinner. It helps when you have an ice cold fat tire to go with.

Happy sunday everyone.

the mayflower

This is the boat fed many. There was salmon, hamachi, tuna, and a few other variants of sashimi. There were crab, salmon, tuna, shrimp, and other nigiri and then 5 different rolls to go along with it.

It was a good night for me, bad night for fish.

The moonlight roll

Salmon, tuna, crab meat and cream cheese. Wrapped in cucumber and sitting in a pool of ponzu sauce. There's a dab of sriracha on the top to add a bit of heat with the fresh taste of this roll.

Good stuff


Korokke. Basically fried shepherds pie with hoison sauce on the side.

Us sushi

Cucumber salad goodness. Cucumbers, carrots, sesame seeds, and rice wine vinegar..


Tuna melt tuesday

Homemade tuna salad with provolone and sharp cheddar, cucumber chips with cracked pepper and seasalt, and some triscuits. Good stuff


beware of random upcoming posts

so.. a few updates.

I recently bought a blackberry. I'm a geek, so it fits. It allows me to post here, with pics.. instantly. I dig that.

Friday was a good/bad day. I tore a hole in a favorite shirt of mine, that was the bad. The good was that I got an acceptance letter from ECU. I was applying there to finish my degree through their online program. I hadn't heard anything back and was getting a bit antsy... but here we go.

I've never been so excited to fall back into debt.


Burrito brothers is my hero

This is the alpastor soft taco goodness. Bbq pork, cilantro, avocado, and onion.. With a little lime on the side.

Yes. Please, and thank you.


Sir Pizza!

Lunch at sir pizza makes me happy.
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So this is a test blog post from a blackberry... If this works, we are in business
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