
The bagel shop is great, so is updating at a computer.

First things first, the bagel shop is great. I dropped by Saturday morning to pick up a handful of bagels and some cream cheese for our breakfast. Kristen manned the coffee pot at the house while I ventured out to pick up the wares from the bagel shop. It looks to be a rather simple setup. A huge pot to boil and a nice oven to bake. I fell in love with their hardware too.. it isn't often that you see Viking/Sub-Zero in their natural habitat.

I'm an everything bagel fan, and they do it right. Until Saturday morning, I had never tried a chocolate chip bagel, but they're rather tasty. More of a dessert bagel-type-thing for me. The Asheboro bagel shop does their fruit (cranberry/blueberry/cinnamon raisin) bagels a little differently. Instead of mixing the fruit in with the batter, it's formed more like a pocket. It works out quite well, though, and I think I prefer this preparation to that of the standard setup.

It would appear that my blog is turning into nothing except a showcase of what we eat. I have no problems, outright, with that... but I like to sit down at a computer every now and then to update as well. While blogging via blackberry is a lot of fun, it isn't quite the same as sitting at a full sized keyboard to pour out some thoughts.

I was a bit surprised to find an already-built Waffle House at the intersection of Dixie Drive and Cox Street... where the laundromat stood for years.

It was a productive weekend... in the sense that we were able to recharge our collective batteries. It was the first weekend that we had been home, together, in more than a month. Either Kristen was busy, I was busy, or we both were out.

We ate too much, didn't get involved with too much, and had a blast. The turkey burgers I posted yesterday were OUTSTANDING. If you want to give it a shot, toss a slice of

It's nice to sit back and focus on the fine art of enjoying the weekend.

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