
Some folks kill me.

We ventured out to David's again last night and only had my thoughts reinforced about how this could indeed be a lasting business venture if the owners maintain the current standards that they have set for themselves.

The food was outstanding, but I failed to snap any pics this time... I was too distracted by this couple with their baby.

10 minutes into dinner, a couple came in with their baby and sat near us. Let me preface this rant with this:

I don't have anything against babies. I do, however, have everything against parents that shouldn't have kids. This couple comes in, takes their menus, plops this tiny child into a kids seat, opens up a DVD player, and force-feeds the child Baby Einstein. So now, instead of a great conversation with my wife, mom, and sister, I get to see and hear (at full volume, nonetheless) flashing repetitive images and random odd noises.

...on a loop.

...during my dinner. The mother turns to a couple sitting near us and spouts off the following logic wiht my replies italicized:

"If she doesn't watch this, she screams. She screamed in the car until we turned it on for her."
Sounds, to me, like you should be paying more attention to your kid. She's chewing on part of the seat that the restaurant has provided you. While I have nothing but the best of hope and faith in the restaurant, to let a baby chew on a child's seat is just asking for trouble. Stay at home, many places do takeout. A few deliver. Better yet, cook for yourself.

"This is our first time here."
...and hopefully the last. I don't want to have to watch Baby Einstein while I have a conversation and great meal with my family. Had I wanted to be engulfed in that repetitive mess, I would've considered having a child by now. I haven't.

"We have a 45 minute drive to church."
I've gotta give her this one. If you're going to try to appeal to the masses in Asheboro, hit 'em in the Bible Belt. Good move on getting yourself out of a situation where you're clearly at fault.

Please, if you're kid screams unless they're being pumped full of Disney, figure out why. If it's an exaggeration to cover your bad parenting, don't toss out random excuses and try to get folks on your side by bringing religion into it.

It's not the norm for me to rant this early in the morning, I just haven't had my coffee yet... nor enough sleep last night.


Anonymous said...

Hilarious! For me anyway! I would have been more than angry had I been in your shoes though. And kudos to David's! Great food and cold beer, too!

Crochet Goddess said...

Okay this is funny! Only because I was not there myself. I would have wanted to scream.

T.Gray said...

hey man...you want some cheese with that :-) you know I'm jerking your chain. maybe they should take the kid to a sports bar! whaddayathink?

Matt said...

Anonymous: thanks for reading, sign up and blog.. I love reading what people think.

Crochet Goddess: Believe me, I did want to scream..

Tom: Smoked Gouda? hehe.. babies in bars!? Why, I never! Should I faux faint? So is the alien in your garden a wild squash?

Hope you all are doing well.

T.Gray said...

matt, we're good -- at Wilm for my son's b'day. mexican thursday night. my pizza last night. cook-out and party tonight. yippee!

T.Gray said...

jackson's big oak bbq for lunch yesterday too.